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Manifestations: Unveiling Creativity in New Art Book!

Tyler A Deem
Oct 14, 2019
Beach Impressions
Summer Impressions- Nag's Head Beach, NC I. Sand Impression I, II, 2019. Digital photograph. II. Beach Impression: Sunrise Reflection,...

Tyler A Deem
Sep 30, 2019
Sunrise Landscape: Nag's Head Beach
Sunrise over Nag's Head Beach, September 2019 Before Hurricane Dorian As the eyes adjust to the dim twilight horizon, the first rays of...

Tyler A Deem
Dec 11, 2018
Natural Light in Oil: Butcher's Trotters
Carnal Still-Life In undergraduate school I found myself having a hard time when staying interested in still-life painting. Drawing...

Tyler A Deem
Jun 23, 2018
Macro Mineral Study V: CaSO4 2H2O
CaSO4 2H2O- Selenite (Satin Spar) Calcium sulfate dihydrate Fibrous white monoclinic crystalline, rectangular prism A form of gypsum...

Tyler A Deem
Aug 29, 2017
Symmetry Software: Patterns in Art and Mathematics
Patterns There has been an intense fixation in both mathematics and art over the observation and creation of patterns. In art, being able...

Tyler A Deem
Aug 21, 2017
Nashville Phenomenon: Full Solar Eclipse
August 21st has finally arrived, and as we gathered in parks and streets in Nashville, I did my best to capture the illuminating textures...

Tyler A Deem
Jun 19, 2017
Illuminated Web-scape: Digital to Print
MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY The tensile strands support it's maker in a world of illuminated webs. The radiant and warm Tennessee sun filters into...

Tyler Deem
Jun 7, 2017
Macro Study: Nasturtiums
Illuminated by the early morning sunlight, water droplets glimmer like spheres of crystal, balanced precariously on the edge of the...

Tyler A Deem
May 31, 2017
Wayang: Indonesian Shadow Puppets
In a dark theater, the glowing eyes of focused spectators study the silky screen of the Wayang-Kulit puppet tales. The dimly lit room...

Tyler A Deem
Mar 24, 2017
Reflections Layered in Time
Mirrored-Time A favorite metaphor of mine. When looking into two facing mirrors there is a visual representation of the multi-layered...

Tyler A Deem
Feb 7, 2017
Macro Matters 3: Moth Fibers
WITNESSING ART IN EVERYDAY LIFE Visually, the world around us is full of miracles. To witness and relate to other materials or living...

Tyler Deem
Jan 24, 2017
Reflections on Light: Aldous Huxley
Heaven and Hell: Aldous Huxley (1956) On Vision "...the impossible paradox and supreme truth--- that perception is (or at least can be,...

Tyler A Deem
May 24, 2016
Manifestations of Motion II: Shuddering Shadows
Manifestation of Motion II ( Patterns in Shadows and Light), 2015. Digital Video (time unedited.) In this second video, I want to share...

Tyler A Deem
May 23, 2016
Manifestations of Motion: Patterns of Light through Water
Manifestations in Motion (Patterns in Water and Light, 2016. Video media. In this video I share the glimmering shadows cast by the motion...

Tyler A Deem
Apr 21, 2016
Poem and Print 2
There are many times I would rather leave silence, word-less reflecting of ease to speak for me. Where words break, silence escapes, with...

Tyler A Deem
Feb 28, 2016
Crystal Study in Oil- Formations
Quartz study in Light, 2016. Oil on canvas. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #stilllife...

Tyler A Deem
Feb 21, 2016
Reflections on Color
(Excerpt from notebook, originally written 7/11/15) Without time, there is no transfer of energy, so there is no visual or audio; No...

Tyler A Deem
Jan 15, 2016
Crystals, Gems, and Natural Prisms
Perhaps there is a natural fascination that we as humans are prone to having, and for certain there are many including me who find earth...

Tyler A Deem
Aug 5, 2015
Light as a Source, pt. 2: Faith and Truth
In the first post, I went into details about Science and Art and how they both seem to utilize Light as a source of knowledge and...

Tyler Deem
Aug 4, 2015
Light as a Source pt. 1: Art and Science
I have been pondering the next post to this blog, and with multiple starts I had a difficult time deciding where it should be taken....
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