Beach Impressions
Summer Impressions- Nag's Head Beach, NC I. Sand Impression I, II, 2019. Digital photograph. II. Beach Impression: Sunrise Reflection,...
Beach Impressions
Sunrise Landscape: Nag's Head Beach
Natural Light in Oil: Butcher's Trotters
Macro Mineral Study V: CaSO4 2H2O
Symmetry Software: Patterns in Art and Mathematics
Nashville Phenomenon: Full Solar Eclipse
Illuminated Web-scape: Digital to Print
Macro Study: Nasturtiums
Wayang: Indonesian Shadow Puppets
Reflections Layered in Time
Macro Matters 3: Moth Fibers
Reflections on Light: Aldous Huxley
Manifestations of Motion II: Shuddering Shadows
Manifestations of Motion: Patterns of Light through Water
Poem and Print 2
Crystal Study in Oil- Formations
Reflections on Color
Crystals, Gems, and Natural Prisms
Light as a Source, pt. 2: Faith and Truth
Light as a Source pt. 1: Art and Science