Oil painting of a Tennessee Warbler, with a bright yellow-flushed cheeks and a unique green hue, the male sports vibrant colors to match its 'sweet' chirpy song. This one found an unfortunate end to a neighborhood cat and was offered at my doorstep. Now immortalized in paint, the frail structure of the bird rests in a bright void, eyes open and gazing endlessly.
Memento mori: Warbler, 2024. Oil on Canvas, 24 x 18".
Not an omen, but a reminder of our temporal existence. A bird no longer in flight suggests a fall from grace, or perhaps submission. The bright colors of the feathers contrast with the dark subject matter of mortality. With warm light and color, it is not cold comment on death; rather an idealized rendition of unfortunate circumstance. A charming and inviting memento mori, with an air of good outlook.