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  • Writer's pictureTyler A Deem

'Plant Society" Collage Series: Population on Environment


The environment and the individual is a relationship, they are complimentary and mutually exclusive. We often don't notice our environment because we are so accustom to it, becoming part of it.

The effects we have on our surroundings are continuous and have an impact on the system as a whole. Individual actions compound until we notice large changes in our environment. How does our outlook on our impact upon the environment affect it?

Population Dynamics (Housing Distribution), 2021. Printed media collage.

By pulling back the veil of the everyday we can notice that our lifestyles have immediate ramifications on the environment and our relationship to it as well as vice versa. By comparing the macro scale of our influence on a landscape, with the effects that other organisms have on their environment at a small or micro scale, it reveals that the compound nature of change is what can alter the environment.

One house in a woodlands doesn't condition the environment to change, but what about hundreds or thousands? This is the same with pests consuming a plant's leaf... if enough damage is done, it can have lasting consequences on the health of that plant. Sacrifice for the sake of the collective can be counterproductive when it leads to the surroundings no longer being able to support that community.


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