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Manifestations: Unveiling Creativity in New Art Book!

Tyler Deem
Aug 21, 2019
Basket of Harvested Figs: Fruit Still-life
Fruit Still-life: Basket of Figs Harvested at Home Two years and 7 1/2 feet later, the first fig tree I have ever planted has become such...

Tyler A Deem
Jul 23, 2019
Garden Botany: Passion Flower
Passion Flower After a Rain Digital Photography of the fleeting bloom of a Passion Flower These Images portray the blooming flower of the...

Tyler A Deem
May 30, 2019
Carnal Study: Butcher Steak Series
Dry-Aged Beef Steak Series Ribeye Steak (cowboy steak, rib steak, scotch filet, Delmonico) By far one of the most requested steaks in the...

Tyler A Deem
Apr 8, 2019
Macro Mineral Study X: Bi
Bi- Bismuth Many of the minerals and metals that I've photographed have been gems from the earth and metals that have been directly...

Tyler A Deem
Apr 2, 2019
Macro Mineral Study IX: Au
Au- Gold The great obsession of civilization, gold has long captivated the eyes of men and drove them to action. The bright yellow-red...

Tyler Deem
Mar 27, 2019
Macro Study: Tomatillo Husk
Exposed Under-structures The skeletal remains of a tomatillo husk are hollow and delicate. Like the frame of a tumble weed, the residue...

Tyler Deem
Mar 23, 2019
Macro Digital Photography: Fossilized Botany Textures
Subject: Fossilized Aquatic Plants Preserved in the sediment and soil of a prehistoric environment, the residual impressions of small...

Tyler A Deem
Sep 27, 2018
Van Dyke Brown Print: Icelandic Spar
Icelandic Spar (Calcite), Van Dyke Brown Print, 2018 (7.5"x 10"). #2018 #VanDykeBrown #calcite #stilllife #macro #mineral #study #print

Tyler Deem
Aug 8, 2018
Macro Botany : Elements of Green
Unknown Vine Blossom- Macro Digital Photographs Miniscule details of a world much smaller than ours, the delicate structure of botanical...

Tyler Deem
Jul 20, 2018
Natural Geometries: Bee Balm II
Macro Digital Photography The spherical husk of residual flowers from the Bee Balm has a uniform and well rounded shape. After the bright...

Tyler A Deem
Jul 11, 2018
Macro Mineral Study VIII of VIII: Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2
Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2- Azurite Monoclinic crystal of carbonate and hydroxide found with traces of copper Crystal Phenomena Small glittering...

Tyler Deem
Jul 6, 2018
Macro Mineral Study VII: Cu
Cu- Copper (L. cuprum) The Essential Metal Easily recognizable, copper is an element with extraordinary qualities and an interesting...

Tyler A Deem
Jul 3, 2018
Macro Mineral Study VI: SiO2 (Tiger's Eye)
SiO2- Tiger's Eye (Silicon Dioxide) While composed of the same molecules of the Chrysoprase, it is interesting that location and...

Tyler A Deem
Jun 26, 2018
Garden Botany: Alluring Bee Balm
Alluring Bee Balm, 2018. Digital Photograph. Bee Balm Medley, 2018. Digital Photograph. #digital #photography #macro #botany #beebalm...

Tyler A Deem
Jun 23, 2018
Macro Mineral Study V: CaSO4 2H2O
CaSO4 2H2O- Selenite (Satin Spar) Calcium sulfate dihydrate Fibrous white monoclinic crystalline, rectangular prism A form of gypsum...

Tyler A Deem
Jun 12, 2018
Macro Mineral Study IV of VIII: CaCO3
CaCO3- Calcite (Calcium Carbonate) Hexagonal crystalline structure divided into rhomboidal shape, most likely Iceland Spar Structure With...

Tyler A Deem
Jun 6, 2018
Macro Mineral Study III: Al2SiO5
Al2SiO5- Black Kyanite: Aliminosilicate Triclinic crystalline silica with traces of Quartz Ashy black and columnar, Kyanite resembles...

Tyler A Deem
Mar 30, 2018
Water Forms: Digital Photograph
Tyler A Deem, Water Forms, 2018. Digital Photograph. #water #reflection #macro #motion #digital #photography

Tyler A Deem
Mar 21, 2018
Texture Study: Yarn Patterns
Structure Leads to Form The form that it is given in the position of the string provides the yarn with cohesive strength, and each strand...

Tyler A Deem
Jan 4, 2018
Food Focus: Egg Expression
While the symbolism of the egg goes back far, through representation of life and death in ancient and medieval mysticism, to the...
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